and Crumpets and Straw berry with a scim milk, because I can’t get no cream. N. B. Shuse and Boots mended very well.”
An Irish inn exhibits the following in large type:
“Within this hive we’re all alive, With whiskey sweet as honey; If you are dry, step in and try, But don’t forget your money.”
An inn near London displays a board with the following inscription:
“Call–Softly, Drink Moderately, Pay Honourably; Be good Company, Part FRIENDLY, Go HOME quietly. Let those lines be no MAN’S sorrow, Pay to DAY and i’ll TRUST tomorrow.”
For Epitaphs.
A terse account of an untimely end is given upon a stone in a Mexican church-yard:
“He was young, he was fair But the Injuns raised his hair.”
The following may be read upon the tombstone of Lottie Merrill, the young huntress of Wayne County, Pennsylvania: “Lottie Merrill lays hear she dident know wot it wuz to be afeered but she has hed her last tussel with the bars and t